Potenciais antioxidante e fotoprotetor da decocção e infusão de alecrim

  • Giovanna machado Unigran
  • Thiago Luis Aguayo de Castro
  • Taline Baganha Stefanello Catelan
  • Luis Fernando Benitez Marcorini
  • Claudia Andrea Lima Cardoso


Rosemary is a plant of Mediterranean origin, from the Lamiaceae family, widely used for food and medicinal purposes. Its teas are indicated according to ethnopharmacological knowledge for the treatment of several males, presenting healing, antioxidant and antimicrobial action. The extractive process and the characteristics of the plant used, such as the cultivation environment and collected parts, can interfere in the final composition of the extract and in the biological activity. In this context, teas of the aerial parts of rosemary were prepared, from which the presence of some secondary metabolites, antioxidant and photoprotective potentials were evaluated. Teas have alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and saponins in their composition. The extractive decoction process showed higher levels of phenolic compounds and rosmarinic acid and consequently a higher antioxidant action. However, in terms of potoprotective potential, the infusion and decoction showed very similar SPF, 18.64 ± 1.55a and 17.62 ± 0.92a respectively.

How to Cite
machado, G., Thiago Luis Aguayo de Castro, Taline Baganha Stefanello Catelan, Luis Fernando Benitez Marcorini, & Claudia Andrea Lima Cardoso. (2023). Potenciais antioxidante e fotoprotetor da decocção e infusão de alecrim . REVISTA CEREUS, 15(4), 154-168. Retrieved from http://www.ojs.unirg.edu.br/index.php/1/article/view/4419