Sociodemographic profile of women victims of physical violence in Rio Grande do Norte

  • Fernando Alencar Silva Santos
  • Anailda Fontenele Vasconcelos
  • Isabella Velasco Morimitzu
  • Lidiane Vitoria Melo de Carvalho Miranda
  • Maria Clara Müller Coutinho Mendes
  • Kathllyn Joyce Jesus Oliveira
  • Ananda Caroline Vasques Dantas Coelho


Objective: to describe the sociodemographic profile of women victims of physical violence in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Methods: ecological, cross-sectional and retrospective research with a qualitative approach carried out at SINAN between 2019 and 2021, obtaining data referring to Rio Grande do Norte. Results: 3,815 notifications of violence against women were found for the years selected for the research. It was found that the most predominant age group comprises women between 20 and 29 years old. In the education criterion, 60.9% of the notifications do not contain the victim's education level. In the race/color criterion, the fact that 60.7% of the women are black or brown stands out. Conclusion: the predominance of physical violence in the black/brown female population was verified. The study also showed failures at the time of notifications with the completion of incomplete data that hinder the reliable analysis of the sociodemographic profile of the victims and the implementation of concrete actions to combat violence against women. There is a need for training for health professionals in order to improve the completion of the SINAN.

How to Cite
Alencar Silva Santos, F., Fontenele Vasconcelos, A., Velasco Morimitzu, I., Melo de Carvalho Miranda, L. V., Müller Coutinho Mendes , M. C., Jesus Oliveira , K. J., & Vasques Dantas Coelho , A. C. (2023). Sociodemographic profile of women victims of physical violence in Rio Grande do Norte. REVISTA CEREUS, 15(4), 296-305. Retrieved from