Difficulties of Nurses in the Implementation of Integrative and Complementary Practices in Primary Care


Introduction: Integrative and Complementary Practices (PIC) are a branch of health based on traditional knowledge, having different modalities that act on different aspects of health and are a great adjunct to the Primary Care care model. However, its implementation has grown slowly and unevenly. Objective: To analyze the difficulties in implementing Integrative and Complementary Practices by Primary Care nurses in the city of Floriano-PI. Methodology: This is an exploratory and descriptive study carried out in the form of an interview with a semi-structured script. The sample included eight nurses, using the theoretical saturation method and Minayo's framework to organize the information. Results: Recognition of the benefits of PIC was clear to most participants, but the practices are not carried out in any UBS. And among the points that hinder the implementation of PICs in the municipality, the highlights were the lack of knowledge of professionals and support from managers, little access to training in addition to the overload of activities at the UBS. Conclusion: It is up to managers to make PICs part of the priority framework in basic care as well as promoting more accessible specializations and hiring qualified staff, thus avoiding nursing overload.

How to Cite
Sousa Martins, I., Cezar Antunes de Araújo Filho, A., de Sousa Baldoino, A. C., Ribeiro dos Santos, A., Marques da Silva, D., & Rodrigues Cardoso, A. (2024). Difficulties of Nurses in the Implementation of Integrative and Complementary Practices in Primary Care. REVISTA CEREUS, 16(1), 198-2011. Retrieved from http://www.ojs.unirg.edu.br/index.php/1/article/view/4567