use of medicinal plants as a complement to control high blood pressure

Morgana de Oliveira Faria, Wânia Rodrigues Alve, Jéssyka Viana Valadares Franco.

  • Morgana de Oliveira Faria Universidade de Gurupi
  • Wânia Rodrigues Alves Universidade de Gurupi
  • Jéssyka Viana Valadares Franco Universidade de Gurupi


Currently, the increase in the consumption of plants by human beings is notorious, where medicinal plants can be defined as prophylaxis, treatment and cure of diseases, being the oldest form of traditional medicine practice being most often by needy families, who end up finding easier access to natural treatments, without knowing the side effects and risks that these drugs offer. The general objective is to determine the knowledge and use of medicinal plants as a complementary way to control high blood pressure. The present work is a systematic literature review, developed based on material already prepared, consisting mainly of books and scientific articles, in which 21 articles were selected and after examining the content and certifying their relationship with the theme, they were excluded 5 articles, which involved animal studies that are not the object of the research, totaling 16 articles that were relevant to the work. In this perspective, it was observed the medicinal plants used as a complement to hypertension and their interactions, as well as the importance of the health professional, especially the pharmacist, regarding the prescription and assistance for patients who use medicinal plants to reduce blood pressure.

Author Biographies

Morgana de Oliveira Faria, Universidade de Gurupi

Acadêmica do curso de farmácia na Universidade de Gurupi- UNIRG.

Wânia Rodrigues Alves, Universidade de Gurupi

Acadêmica do curso de farmácia na Universidade de Gurupi- UNIRG.

Jéssyka Viana Valadares Franco, Universidade de Gurupi

Bacharel  em  Farmácia  Generalista pelo  Centro  Universitário Tocantinense   Presidente  Antônio Carlos  UNITPAC  –  Araguaína.  Docente do curso de farmácia e fisioterapia da Universidade de Gurupi –UNIRG.  Graduanda   em  Medicina  pela Universidade  de  Gurupi  –  UNIRG. Pós Graduanda em Farmácia Clinica e  Hospitalar;  Citologia  Oncótica;  e Atenção  primária  à  saúde  com ênfase em saúde da família.
